Saturday, February 28, 2009

Not Watching.

I don't want to watch Watchmen. I'm tired of morose comic book adaptations. I didn't like The Dark Knight, not better than Batman Begins anyway. I'm more looking forward to the slate of Marvel films coming out. But you can keep Watchmen. The graphic novel was enough for me, and the fact that the ending is different in the film is a deal breaker. Ask me why, and I have good reasons. Logical reasons. But no, I'm not watching.

Here's a flick worth watching though: Taken. Liam Neeson kicking ass and getting his white girl (daughter) back. Say word.


  1. Don't forget shooting other people's wives in the arm!

  2. Also, from what I've heard on an early Watchmen screening. The ending may have been changed but at least they kept Dr. Manhattan's blue "muscles" for comic fans to watch on the screen.
